Aloha, and welcome to Kinderbonnets
Kinderbonnets are seasonally released & artfully created handmade bonnets and conscious accessories for the entire family. Inspired by her mothers gift of storing her childhood bonnets from East-Germany until she had children of her own, Sabine started to design them for her own daughter during their warm and windy life on the island of O'ahu, Hawaii. Kinderbonnets are released with the rhythm of the seasons. Limited quantities make them one of a kind creations.
They are a slow fashion product with the utmost attention to detail, quality of fabrics, and comfort of the child as the center focus.
Sharing Kinderbonnets worldwide along with Aloha Workshop Gatherings they complete Sabine's passion for a sustainable and more self-sufficient life for women and mothers through being creative together and cultivate community. Aloha Workshop gatherings are organized to motivate, inspire, and create through various forms of crafts and homemaking.
Aloha an alle Mamis, Papis, und Grosseltern aus Deutschland. Kinderbonnets ist sehr international und deshalb in Englisch. Falls ihr Probleme bei der Bestellung habt bitte meldet Euch einfach per E-Mail. Da wir jetzt wieder in Deutschland wohnen bemühe ich mich in den nächsten Monaten auch einiges in Deutsch zu schreiben. Kinderbonnets werden weltweit verkauft.